Howard Law Journal

Founded in 1955, the Howard Law Journal is a student-managed, faculty-supervised academic program of the Howard University School of Law.


Founded in 1955, the Howard Law Journal is a student-managed, faculty-supervised academic program of the Howard University School of Law. The Journal is the principal scholarly publication of Howard University School of Law. The Journal is published in one annual volume consisting of three separate issues that contain articles, essays, and book reviews authored by legal scholars, as well as notes and comments authored by Howard Law Journal members. Consistent with the mission of the law school, the Journal is dedicated to promoting the civil and human rights of all people, in particular those groups who have been the target of subordination and discrimination.

Our Special Events and Programs
New Member Pinning Ceremony
August 15, 2023

Wiley A. Branton Symposium
October 3, 2024

Judicial Reception
April 1, 2024

Hafzat Akanni
Howard Law Journal
2900 Van Ness St NW,
312 Notre Dame
Washington, DC 20008

Office of Publications
306 Notre Dame
(202) 806-8084

Submit a Manuscript 
Howard Law Journal
312 Notre Dame
Washington, DC 20008



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