Education Rights Center

Education Rights Center defends African American burial grounds
To collaborate with individual and organizational public and private stake holders globally to develop the theory and practice of education as a tool for the creation of peace, the preservation of the planet, and the empowerment and liberation of historically disadvantaged people.
- Early Childhood Education
- Primary and Secondary Education
- Adult Education
Asylum Project
K-12 -Information will be updated shortly
For-Profit Colleges Project - Information will be updated shortly
Childhood Sexual Abuse - Information will be updated shortly
Climate Change
About Us
e. christi cunningham
Professor of Law
(202) 806-8034
Biography of Professor e. christi cunningham
NGA presentation
TS Social Justice Week_part1
TS Social Justice Week_part1
TS Social Justice Week_part1
Supreme Court Briefs
The Education Rights Center conducted a compliance review to determine whether Local Education Agencies (primarily charter schools) were complying with a recently passed statute to limit the use of exclusionary discipline. Howard Law students testified before the Education subcommittee of the DC Council. The compliance report and notes from the DC Council testimony are attached.