Womxn's Law Student Association

Mission Statement: 

The Womxn's Law Student Association of Howard University School of Law welcomes alumni, students, and professors of all gender identities to promote equality and advancement within the legal profession. We support the Howard Law community by promoting awareness of issues affecting womxn law students and attorneys. WLSA strives to provide support to the womxn law students of HUSL and provide a forum for law students to discuss the legal profession through the lens of Black womxn and womxn of color.

2022-2023 E-board

Faculty Advisor: Professor Alice Thomas

President:  Brittnie Reeves

Vice President: Kenadi Mitchell

Secretary: Liana Alston

Treasurer: Alexis Baldwin

Community Outreach Chairs: Cenadra Gopala-Foster & Karaz Axam

2L Representative: Imani Stokley & Yasmin Mustafa


One-time membership fee: $15


Contact us:

Instagram: @wlsahusl
Email: huslwlsa@gmail.com


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