The Barrister


The Barrister Student Newspaper is the student-edited newspaper that publishes articles and literary work of members of the HUSL community. Throughout the year, the Barrister provides a more in depth analysis of issues that are of concern to the school community and the world at large.

Publication Information

The Barrister accepts submissions for publication from students, professors, practitioners, and members of the community on an ongoing basis. All submitted articles must be typed on a Microsoft Word document and emailed as an attachment to THEHUSLBARRISTER1964@GMAIL.COM.

Please include your name, address, and phone number in the email. We do not guarantee publication of all submissions.

The Barrister relies entirely on private support from fundraisers, sponsoring student organizations, alumni, advertising, and other friends to cover all publishing costs and operating expenses. If you are interested in being a benefactor of The Barrister, please address your inquiries to THEHUSLBARRISTER1964@GMAIL.COM.

Austin J. Edwards

Business Managing Editor
Nicholas I. Codd

Senior Staff Editor
Kemah E. George

Room 317, Holy Cross Hall

Contact Us
(202) 806-8088​